The journal MIX Sustentável is interdisciplinary, focusing on sustainability applied to projects, especially in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, Engineering and Design.
In addition to this own page, it has access to the SEER-OJS system (Electronic Journal Editing System), which is a management and publishing system for scientific journals recommended by CAPES. Access Mix Sustentável journal by the SEER / OJS platform, or by the url above:
The Mix Sustentável Journal is indexed in: INFOHAB, Biblat, PKP Index, BASE, LivRE, Sumários.org, REDIB, Google Acadêmico, Latindex, Portal de Periódicos da Capes, DOAJ, Latinrev, Crossref search, ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), also in MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals), Open Access Scientific Repositories of Portugal (RCAAP) , in ScienceGate and in database Periódica. Its editorial policies are registered in DIADORIM. It was accepted for indexing in the OASIS base of IBICT. The Journal is recommended at Plubons, registered at AURA, and also listed in the ULRICH base. It’s present in the WORLDCAT catalog, Dimensions, Microsoft Academic, findr Free Edition and SHERPA ROMEO.
Our impact factor, calculated by CITEFACTOR and referring to the 2020-2021 publications was 0,76.
Consult the 2020 H5 factor.
Visit our profile at Google Schoolar.
Hindex=8. Indice i10= 4
Classification QUALIS/CAPES 2017-2019:
A4 in the areas: Architecture, Urbanism and Design;
Classification QUALIS/Capes 2013-2016:
B5 in the areas: Architecture, Urbanism and Design; Communication and Information; Engineering I, Engineering III, Interdisciplinary and Environmental Sciences. B4 in the area: Public Administration and Business, Accounting and Tourism.
The creation of the journal was based on the perception that the theme “sustainability applied in projects” was dispersed in the various thematic sessions of the events, with scientific publications pulverized in several Journals. In the sessions of the events, practical applications were common. Some of these aplications was deply focused philosophical and scientific concepts of issues associated with sustainability; but some of them was relied on practical experimentation and use of empirical knowledge, the results of initiatives, sometimes of people with little or no training in the field.
Several are the applications of sustainability in design. Examples are water heaters using PET bottles or alternative construction systems, with adobe techniques or use of non-conventional materials such as bamboo.
The understanding of these aspects results in the journal ‘s own emphasis: to promote the exchange of knowledge “university – community – university”. This theoretical cycle refers to the philosophical bases of knowledge and the very essence of the term “university”, with full assimilation of the teaching – research – extension triad. In this way, the university, through research, becomes a transforming agent, transferring empirical knowledge to scientists. This process guarantees the possibility of repeating procedures and techniques (through the description of a methodology), making possible the transmission of knowledge.
In this way, the MIX Sustentável Journal was created. It present an innovative proposal, mixing the scientific rigor (in the session of articles with peer review) with market data. So, the journal is attractive both for the general public and for researchers, professors, graduates and graduates. The periodical MIX Sustentável, has a semi-annual periodicity (besides special editions), presenting the following structure in each edition:
Scientific section: 10 to 14 scientific papers that present the interrelationship of the theme sustainability in projects, in the areas of design, engineering and architecture;
Marketing section: it present two or three interviews with professionals working in the market, showing practical projects that have applications in the sphere of sustainability;
Section undergraduate and scientific initiation: presents the expanded abstract of 2 to 4 TCCs (Course Final Works) or PCCs (Course Final Projects) defended and approved, in the journal theme, of the undergraduate courses in engineering, design and architecture ; postgraduate section: presents 2 to 5 expanded abstract of the dissertation or theses (defended and approved) in the area of the journal. The MIX Sustentável Journal has editions available in the digital version, hosted on its own site, alternated with print editions, free distribution, sent on request.
- From 2017: 3 regular editions per year (quaterly) and special editions.
- Special issues are released based on partnerships with events or special calls. The special edition ENSUS – Meeting for Sustainable Project is annually publicated.
The regular editions are released following the period: December – March/ April – July/ August – November + The ENSUS edition, usually released in April.
ISSN online: 2447-3073
ISSN print: 2447-0899
The Mix Sustentável Journal has published over twenty-six issues:
Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte / Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art
Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library