About Mix Sustentável

Sustainability is one of the most discussed topics today, involving the most diverse areas of knowledge: from applied social sciences to engineering, passing through the human and exact sciences, etc.. Not only, but mainly in the professional aspect, being aware and updated about the The theme becomes increasingly important, in the sense that each person needs to recognize their share of responsibility, of what they can do to contribute, regardless of the type of professional activity performed. Sustainability, in this context, works as a social link, in which each individual action has an effect shared by all.

Both in academia and industry, the theme “sustainability” has been gradually introduced, becoming recurrent in training and qualifications of the most varied types: postgraduate programs, improvement courses, lectures, symposia, fairs, events, etc. .. (LIBRELOTTO et al, 2012). Another finding that proves the increased interest in the topic is the number of articles sent to congresses, events and periodicals, where the area of ​​sustainability had a considerable increase in publications. However, despite this increase, the necessary understanding of the subject still collides with two interconnected aspects: the complexity of the factors involved, and the lack of knowledge of all interconnected variables and conditions. This finding increases the problem even more.

By its very definition, a project is a complex activity, which brings together general and specific knowledge from several areas, being, in essence, multidisciplinary. It is characterized by the need to approach different areas of knowledge, correlating aesthetic, marketing, financial, ecological, productive and ergonomic factors, among others (FERROLI, 2009).

The design of new products, according to Manzini and Vezzoli (2008) should, in an ideal situation, understand the product-service system, not being limited only to the physical product (defined by material, form and function). In this way, the result of a project would be an integrated set of product, service and communication.

Within this line of thought, the authors emphasize that the project must “connect” the technically possible with the ecologically necessary, acting within four levels of interference: environmental redesign of existing products; design of new products to replace the current ones; design of new products – intrinsically sustainable services; and proposal of new scenarios for a new sustainable lifestyle.

Also according to Manzini and Vezolli (2008), in the current state of design activity, the professional performance of people linked to design areas is, in almost all cases, restricted to the first two levels mentioned, which, although useful and necessary, is insufficient to achieve environmental sustainability, guaranteed only by the inclusion of the other two levels. The fullness represented by the performance at the four levels is defined as Design for Sustainability. There is, therefore, a clear need for behavioral change in the design activity, starting to focus on paradigm shifts every time a new product is designed.

Thus, an analysis of the most recent publications in the design area shows that there is a consensus among the authors of the area, showing that sustainability needs to be incorporated into the design activity, and that it must be grounded (so that it has a permanent effect and not just sporadically or superficial), in the union of the three basic dimensions: economic, social and environmental, known as the ESA model (LIBRELOTTO, 2009).

Therefore, under this approach, the project encompassing the precepts of sustainability becomes, if not the only, at least the most relevant possible solution for the union between the philosophy of continuous improvement and the increasing need to preserve natural resources. , quality of human life and current capitalism.


The periodical Mix Sustentável presents as a proposal the publication of results of research and projects, in virtual and printed form, with a focus on the theme of sustainability. Seeking the exchange of information between researchers in the area linked to postgraduate programs, it will also open space for the dissemination of professionals inserted in the job market, in addition to interviews with national and foreign researchers and, also, abstracts of theses, dissertations and final papers defended, in view of the importance of design production and not just textual production.

Therefore, its target audience are researchers and professionals in Architecture and Urbanism, Design and Engineering.

The journal is divided into sections, wich are:

a) Scientific section – contains scientific articles to socialize academic production in the form of scientific articles, seeking to enhance research, teaching and extension services.

b) Undergraduate and Scientific Initiation and Postgraduate Section: dissemination of Theses, Dissertations and Course Conclusion Works in the form of expanded abstracts and as a way of encouraging the dissemination of academic-scientific works focused on the project for sustainability.

c) Marketing section: space for Reviews and Interviews (Dialogue Spaces). It presents interviews with professionals working in the market, showing practical projects that have applications in the sphere of sustainability. It should also provide conversations with experts in sustainability and/or other fields of knowledge.

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